Loaves and Fishes Ministries, Inc.

Assistance for families in Hartford, CT

Hunger is always with us

Loaves and Fishes Ministries directly impacts families throughout the Asylum Hill neighborhood and in greater Hartford who eat in our soup kitchen and then use our related programs to move beyond immediate crisis needs. Recent national studies all find that more Americans continue to be hungry than ever before, despite concerted efforts on the part of non-profits and volunteers working together. Poor families repeatedly run short of food, and far too many families suffer from “very low food security”–which means they have to skip meals or not eat for a day due to lack of funds. In the Asylum Hill neighborhood of Hartford, this “very low food security” is what we address, day in and day out, at Loaves and Fishes Ministries. No matter how hard we work, hunger is always with us, but we believe we can do something to alleviate the problem for motivated clients when we have partners who care.

Serving the Asylum Hill neighborhood

Loaves and Fishes Ministries was founded in 1982 and has been serving residents of the Asylum Hill neighborhood for almost 35 years as an independent non-profit organization intent on change. Clients report their lives have been changed because they come to the soup kitchen hungry and leave having eaten what is often their only hot meal of the day. We served more than 35,000 meals annually in our soup kitchen.

A daily, full hot meal

We have never had to turn away a client due to lack of food or inability to provide take home extras. All who come to eat at Loaves and Fishes and abide by our organization’s rules are served, and gain the benefit of a daily, full hot meal and take home extras.

Job Training

Our clients are 85% minority, and 40% percent female. Single mothers and families continue to be a large portion of our population. Homeless figures remain difficult to pin down, for the reason that many clients stay with friends or relatives on a rotating basis but have no permanent home. The percentage of those we see in our soup kitchen who are working poor remains at approximately 33%; these individuals are now looking for help with food and are also making use of our job training program for help with job skills and employment.

Fall 2024 update

The weather is finally cooling off a little, and it is a welcome change.

We are so busy in the dining room; we’ve had over 100 diners regularly in the last weeks of each of the past several months!  We are very grateful for the ongoing contributions of those who so generously donate sandwiches and lunch bags for our clients – All Saints Orthodox Church, Bonarrigo Family, First Church WH, St. Catherine’s of Siena Church, St. James’s Episcopal Church, St. John’s Episcopal Church, Town & County Club – and new groups who keep finding us and want to contribute.  Clients are always thrilled to have these sandwiches and bags to take with them after their meal.  They make a tremendous difference.

In this sweet month of October, with Halloween approaching, we also want to thank all of our bakers who continue to cater to the sweet tooths in our dining room!  Immanuel Congregational bakers, our own Carol Plander, and many more regularly donate their time and their ingredients to turn out wonderful home-baked treats for our meals and our lunch bags.  These special items are always favorites!  We also receive weekly donations from Panera Bread with great treats for the noon meal.  And we must note the amazing bread donations that Kevin from Small State Provisions offers us so frequently that bring our meals up a notch!  With the increasing food insecurity and the number of individuals we are serving, we couldn’t manage without you.

Stay in contact with us!  If you ever have to make changes due to a shortage of volunteers or some other emergency, please just let us know.  Call the office at 860-524-1730, or email early at loaves@sbcglobal.net.  We are here for you.
Members of the Avon Rotary Club at Loaves and Fishes

Volunteer Calendar

We are here for you

Thank You for Your Dedication to Our Clients

If you think you may be short on volunteers for your day, please call us 48 hours in advance (if possible) so we can find extra help. We understand that sometimes you have questions about serving at Loaves & Fishes. We are here to answer those questions! Please do not hesitate to call us at 524-1730. Remember, when weather is difficult, the group contact makes the decision concerning group attendance. It is always your call.

Certificate Program

At L & F we want to make sure that we never lose sight of the individuals behind the numbers. No matter how much we pay attention to numbers and results, we put our greatest emphasis on those people coming in the door to eat a much needed meal; on meeting their needs where we find them. We track the number of clients who move from one program into related services – to determine how many clients are able to move beyond crisis intervention of the soup kitchen into individual economic development of our job training program, or our sewing program. And all of our clients and programs benefit from your support of our certificate program.

Send a certificate today

Our certificates are a thoughtful, creative way to remember friends and relatives during the holidays and year-round. At the same time that donors remember a loved one, they also help fill the needs of the hungry and homeless. The vast majority of certificates are sent for Hanukkah, Christmas, and the New Year, but we also receive requests for certificates in honor of weddings, anniversaries, birthdays and memorials. Each year, Loaves & Fishes processes close to 200 certificates.. Call the office (860-524-1730) for an order form.


Some quotes from volunteers and clients

Loaves and Fishes Ministries is a tax-exempt, charitable organization that provides human services to the poor in Hartford, CT. We are a non-profit organization dedicated to revitalizing the Asylum Hill neighborhood of Hartford, CT, as a step toward the larger goal of creating diverse, healthy, and self-motivated communities. We serve low-income and poverty level individuals and families. Loaves & Fishes provides support services for these individuals trying to break the cycle of dependency. Through education, food, counseling, and economic development programs we hope to provide at least some of the community fabric that is critical to personal achievement. By assisting those people who are below the poverty level we expect to have positive repercussions within the community in terms of reduced crime and violence, removal of slums and blight, and an improved overall living environment.

United Way State Campaign Code #5328